Beati immaculati in via (XVIII:2)

22 Feb. 23 June. 23 Oct. At Tierce, Sext and None on Monday are to be said the nine remaining parts of the hundred and...

This sacred number of seven (XVI)

CHAPTER XVI. How the Work of God is to be done in the day-time 19 Feb. 20 June. 20 Oct. As the prophet saith: “Seven...

The Festivals of Saints (XIV)

Abbey of Emmaus, Prague CHAPTER XIV. How the Night-Office is to be said on Saints’ Days 17 Feb. 18 June. 18 Oct. On the Festivals...

Forgive us as we forgive (XIII:2)

16 Feb. 17 June. 17 Oct. The Office of Lauds and Vespers, however, must never conclude without the Lord’s Prayer being said aloud by the...