Category: Year of the Priest 2009–2010

Am I not here who am your Mother?

At Clear Creek Brother Juan Diego and I have been at Clear Creek Monastery for the past few days. I have been preaching a retreat...

The Filial Obedience of the Priest

Archbishop Mauro Piacenza, Secretary of the Congregation for Clergy, addresed the following letter to the priests of the Church on November 18th. “Do you promise...

Via Crucis for Priests

I’m happy to announce that my Via Crucis for Priests has been published in Magnificat’s Year for Priests Companion. Read about it here. It would...

Grant Such Holiness to Your Priests

The painting is by the so-called Master of the Osservanza and dates from around 1440. Notice the lovely chasuble of the priest and the noble...

Pope Benedict XVI on Saint Pio

It is extremely noteworthy and significant that the Holy Father chose to spend the first Sunday of The Year of the Priest in pilgrimage to...