The grace of this Lent is a progressive passage into the mystery of the baptized soul’s relationship with the Father. This relationship is nourished by...
Cast the burden of thy cares upon the Lord
Tuesday of the Second Week in Lent For me, this old tabernacle door depicting Our Lord standing in a chalice and filling it with the...
Cardinal Piacenza Endorses Adoratio 2011
Bishop Dominique Rey of the Diocese of Fréjus-Toulon, France received the following letter of support for Adoratio 2011 from Mauro Cardinal Piacenza, Prefect of the...
Sayings of Saint Peter Damian
Habit makes the cell sweet for the monk, while wandering makes it seem dreadful. For those who gad about, the cell is a prison, but...
Friend of the Church in Oklahoma
Let us profit of Holy Mass to address to God our ardent prayers to draw upon ourselves and upon the Indian and Black peoples the...