St. Joseph and the Benedictines of Perpetual Adoration
O Felicem Virum! “O Happy and Blessed Man,” so begins an antiphon in honor of St. Joseph. “To thee was granted not only to...
The Holy Family Consecration of Silverstream Priory to Saint Joseph
Devotion to the Holy Family began with the modern conception of the family that seems to have begun to develop in the High Middle Ages...
Saint Joseph and Mother Mectilde
Here again is a translation of the account of Saint Joseph’s apparition to Mother Mectilde de Bar on 19 March 1653. Mother Mectilde, very much...
Praying to Saint Joseph for Silverstream Priory
O glorious Saint JOSEPH, thou art our advocate and our defender, our father and our friend, who on the word of the angel speaking to...
A Priest’s Prayer to Saint Joseph
O glorious Saint Joseph, I take thee this day as my advocate and defender, my counselor and my friend. Open thy heart to me as...