How Solicitous the Abbot Should Be of the Excommunicate (XXVII)
CHAPTER XXVII. How Solicitous the Abbot Should Be of the Excommunicate 4 Mar. 4 July. 3 Nov. Let the Abbot exercise all diligence in his...
Of Pastoral Mercy
One can get the impression, of late, that pastoral mercy is something newly discovered in the Church and that until now no one has really...
How the Night-Office is to be said in Summer Time (X)
CHAPTER X. How the Night-Office is to be said in Summer Time 12 Feb. 13 June. 13 Oct. From Easter to the first of November...
Lenten Lectio Divina
And in these days of Lent let each one receive a book from the library, and read it all through in order. These books are...
Of the Observance of Lent (3)
CHAPTER XLIX. Of the Observance of Lent 31 Mar. 31 July. 30 Nov. Although the life of a monk ought at all times to have...