Omnes in Christo unum sumus (II:4)
12 Jan. 13 May. 12 Sept. Let him make no distinction of persons in the monastery. Let not one be loved more than another, unless...
Let us set to work, by the help of God
CHAPTER I. Of the several kinds of Monks and their way of life 8 Jan. 9 May. 8 Sept. It is well known that there...
PROLOGUE (VII) Passionibus Christi per patientiam participemur
7 Jan. 8 May. 7 Sept. We have, therefore, to establish a school of the Lord’s service, in the setting forth of which we hope...
PROLOGUE (VI) By the help of His grace
6 Jan. 7 May. 6 Sept. Since then, brethren, we have asked of the Lord who is to inhabit His temple, we have heard His...
PROLOGUE (V) Quid tibi vis faciam?
5 Jan. 6 May. 5 Sept. Hence also the Lord saith in the Gospel: “He that heareth these words of Mine, and doeth them, is...