Cum gaudio Sancti Spiritus (XLVIII and XLIX)
Lenten Books Ready for Distribution in Chapter CHAPTER XLVIII. Of the daily manual labour 28 Mar. 28 July. 27 Nov. . . . During Lent,...
The loving example of the Good Shepherd (XXVII:2 and XXVIII)
CHAPTER XXVII. How careful the Abbot should be of the Excommunicate 4 Mar. 4 July. 3 Nov. For the Abbot is bound to use the...
The charge of weakly souls (XXVII)
CHAPTER XXVII. How careful the Abbot should be of the Excommunicate 4 Mar. 4 July. 3 Nov. Let the Abbot shew all care and solicitude...
Alone in penance and sorrow
CHAPTER XXV. Of Graver Faults 2 Mar. 2 July. 1 Nov. Let that brother who is found guilty of a more grievous offence be excluded...
Until he have made satisfaction (XXIV)
Chapter House at the Abbey of Vyšší Brod, Czech Republic CHAPTER XXIV. What the measure of excommunication should be 1 Mar. 1 July. 31 Oct....