Their weakness must be taken into account (XLVIII:3)
CHAPTER XLVIII. Of the daily manual labour 30 Mar. 30 July. 29 Nov. On Sunday, let all occupy themselves in reading, except those who have...
Idleness is an enemy of the soul (XLVIII)
CHAPTER XLVIII. Of the daily manual labour 28 Mar. 28 July. 27 Nov. Idleness is an enemy of the soul; and hence at certain seasons...
The heart that hides no treason (XLVI)
CHAPTER XLVI. Of those who offend in any other matters 26 Mar. 26 July. 25 Nov. If any one, while at work in the kitchen...
Of Those who Come Late to the Work of God or to Table (XLIII:2)
23 Mar. 23 July. 22 Nov. If any one, through his own negligence and fault, come not to table before the Verse, so that all...
What kind of Man the Cellarer of the Monastery is to be (II)
9 Mar. 9 July. 8 Nov. Let him above all things have humility; and to him on whom he hath nothing else to bestow, let...