Abba Joseph related that Abba Isaac said:
“I was sitting with Abba Poemen one day and I saw him in ecstasy and as I was on terms of great freedom of speech...
Rosary Mysteries for the Sundays of Lent
Marialis Cultus The Rosary is a practice of piety which easily harmonizes with the liturgy. In fact, like the liturgy, it is of a community...
The Early Mysteries of the Blessed Virgin Mary
For some years now, from the feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary on November 21st until that of the Immaculate Conception on...
The Chain that Sets Free
Father Francesco Bamonte’s witness to the power of the Holy Rosary in his book, Possessioni diabolici ed esorcismo (Paoline, 2006) so impressed me that I...
O Rosario benedetto di Maria
Prayer at Noon For Catholics in Italy and throughout the world, today, Sunday, 3 October 2010, marks the return of an appointment with the Supplica,...