Category: Rosary

The Rosary: Hastening to the Springs

The Aves of the Rosary are a stream of living water that irrigate and purify the heart. One who perseveres in the prayer of the...

The Prayer For Times When One Cannot Pray

When fatigue and melancholy and stress seem to leave one’s soul prostrate, and when every other form of prayer seems impossible, one should pick up...

A Man of Sorrows

The Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary are a contemplation of the Face of Christ in His sufferings. “There is no beauty in Him, nor comeliness:...

The Rosary: A Lukan Prayer

I have always thought of the Rosary as a particularly Lukan prayer. So many of the mysteries are drawn from Saint Luke’s Gospel. It is...

Strong Like David With His Sling

The power of the Rosary is utterly disproportionate to its simplicity. There is no grace that cannot be obtained, no Goliath that cannot be defeated,...