Category: Reparation

To count every passing day (LXXII)

CHAPTER LXXII. Of the good zeal which Monks ought to have30 Apr. 30 Aug. 30 Dec. As there is an evil zeal of bitterness, which...

Go and repair My House

Called to the Work of Reparation Our Lord, in every age of the Church’s life, calls souls to the work of reparation, that is, to...

Forgiveness and Reparation

Every now and then, I find it necessary to return to the Prayer of Forgiveness and Reparation that Our Lord inspired me to write several...

Feast of the Holy Face of Jesus

Reparation The last century saw, here and there, like so many points of light in the Church, men and women drawn by the Holy Ghost...

Litany of Reparation

Lord, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us Christ, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us....