Triduum to Saint Thérèse
I ask all the readers of Vultus Christi to join with me in saying the following prayer for the next three days for a very...
Supplica to Saint Vincent de Paul
Given that we follow the old calendar here at the monastery, it completely slipped my mind that, in the new calendar, today is the feast...
Supplica to Saint Thérèse
A Supplica is a prayer of supplication composed according to a certain literary genre that remains popular in Italy to this day. The most famous...
For the Church in Ireland
After reading, in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, the Holy Father’s beautiful letter to the faithful of Ireland, I was moved to intercede in...
Prayer to Saint Joseph for Priests
O glorious Saint Joseph, who, on the word of the angel speaking to you in the night, put fear aside to take your Virgin Bride...