Category: Pope Benedict XVI

All Things New and Better

Mary Coredemptrix I thrilled to the passage from Saint Bernard that I read this morning at Matins of the Saturday Office of the Blessed Virgin...

Pope Benedict XVI to Priests

This particular teaching of the Holy Father went straight to my heart. It is, I think, a confirmation of the service I am called to...

Our Lady of America

A very dear priest friend and I were discussing the place given to the Blessed Virgin Mary during the Holy Father’s recent Apostolic Journey to...

Setting An Example

Yesterday was the First Saturday of the month of May. Our Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI gave an edifying example of pastoral zeal to all...

See that God Has Shown Us His Face

Last Thursday, 18 April 2008, Pope Benedict XVI spoke at the Ecumenical Prayer Service held in Saint Joseph’s Church in New York City. Tomorrow the...