The Word Has A Face
Pope Benedict XVI preaches like a monk! By this I mean that his preaching, like that of Saint Gregory the Great and others of the...
Benedict XVI on Pius XII
I was in first grade when Pope Pius XII died. The news reached our parish school in the early afternoon. We were instructed to lower...
Holy Father to Priests, Seminarians, Deacons
The Holy Father’s homily at Vespers in the Cathedral of Notre Dame of Paris (12 September 2008) hasn’t received the attention it deserves. Here is...
Papal Angelus from Lourdes
I thank the Holy Father for this marvelous Angelus message. The heart of it — or the word that resonated most strongly within me —...
Quaerere Deum
Pope Benedict XVI Collège des Bernardins, Paris 12 September 2008 The Holy Father’s discourse today at the Collège des Bernardins (a familiar way of referring...