The Holy Father Asks for Our Prayers
The Holy Father asks to be joined by the prayers of all the faithful, so that the Lord may enlighten the path of the Church....
Holocaust Remembrance Day
Today, January 27th, is observed as Holocaust Remembrance Day. Radio Vaticana has two feature broadcasts marking this observance. You can listen to them here and...
Rationabile Obsequium
Our Holy Father gave an extraordinary catechesis yesterday on Romans 12:1. A certain Irish priest friend of mine should be very pleased! The titles are...
Pope Benedict XVI: Preacher of the Holy Mysteries
The Book I’ve Been Waiting For Heartfelt thanks to Sandro Magister and to translator Matthew Sherry for this brilliant presentation of Homilies. The Liturgical Year...
The Rosary: School of Contemplation and Silence
One of Barbara Pym’s characters — I don’t remember which one — sometimes exclaims, “Too much richness!” Exactly my sentiments concerning this past weekend! There...