Category: Passion of Christ

The Most Precious Blood

One cannot enter into Holy Week without contemplating the adorable mystery of the Precious Blood. I am completely smitten by Bernini’s little known depiction of...

“They Have Killed Our Shepherd”

At the end of Holy Mass today at the Monastery of the Glorious, we sang the antiphons In Paradisum and Chorus Angelorum for the repose...

Singing the Mystery of the Cross

My doctoral dissertation — it seems so long ago — focused on the Proper Chants of the Paschal Triduum in the Graduale Romanum. The chants...

Fulget Crucis Mysterium

Our Lady Saint Mary, Saint John the Beloved Disciple, and the Wounded Side of Christ With First Vespers of the Fifth Sunday of Lent we...

Et tu aperuisti lancea latus meum

Friday of the Passion of the Lord Isaiah 52:13-53:12 Psalm 30 Hebrews 4:14-5:9 John 18:1-19:42 Last night He sat with us at table. His Face...