Pater noster qui es in caelis (XIII:2)
16 Feb. 17 June. 17 Oct. The Office of Lauds and Vespers, however, must never conclude without the Lord’s Prayer being said aloud by the...
In puritate cordis et conpunctione lacrimarum (XX)
CHAPTER XX. Of Reverence at Prayer 25 Feb. 27 June. 27 Oct. If, when we wish to make any request to men in power, we...
Psallite sapienter (XIX)
CHAPTER XIX. Of the Discipline of saying the Divine Office 24 Feb. 26 June. 26 Oct. We believe that the Divine presence is everywhere, and...
Cum sanctis tuis (XIV)
CHAPTER XIV. How the Night-Office is to Be Said on Saints’ Days17 Feb. 18 June. 18 Oct. On the Festivals of Saints, and all other...
Illuminet vultum suum super nos (XIII)
CHAPTER XIII. How Lauds Are to Be Said on Week-days 15 Feb. 16 June. 16 Oct. On week-days let Lauds be celebrated in the manner...