The better part 6 October 2015 Umbratilem My first awareness of the 1924 Apostolic Constitution of Pope Pius XI, Umbratilem, dates from about forty–five years ago. Was it in reading Dom...
Only one thing is necessary 29 July 2015 In the Benedictine calendar, today is the feast of: Saints Martha, Mary, and Lazarus of Bethany, Hosts of the Lord A Place of Refreshment for...
Never to despair of the mercy of God 10 July 2015 Meeting the Saints How and when did Saint Benedict come into my life? He was not among the saints whom I came to know as...
Saints John and Paul, Martyrs of Rome 26 June 2015 Friends and Martyrs of the Church at Rome Today is the memorial of Saints John and Paul, named both in the Martyrology and in the...
A silence that allows the Other to speak 24 June 2015 Ah, I Cannot Speak At Matins today, the stammering words of the prophet Jeremias are placed in the mouth of the Saint John the Baptist:...