On the Solemnity of Thursday, Part I
Catherine-Mectilde de Bar of the Blessed Sacrament is, without any doubt, the most Eucharistic soul in what was a Eucharistic century par excellence, and a...
89th Anniversary of Abbot Celestino Maria Colombo
In addition to today being the feasts of Our Lady of Ransom and Our Lady of Walsingham (whose statue is in our refectory), today is...
The Deifying Light and Mary, the Mount of God
The Deifying Light Selection of the Rule of St. Benedict for January 2, May 3, September 2 Let us arise, therefore, at long last, at...
Omni tempore silentium debent studere monachi (XLIII)
CHAPTER XLII. That no one may speak after Compline 21 Mar. 21 July. 20 Nov. Monks should love silence at all times, but especially during...
In truth, one must abandon oneself to God
When all seems overturned, to the point of my feeling almost overwhelmed; when I don’t know where I stand; and when I meet with opposition...