25 March 1653: A Vision of the Blessed Virgin
The feast of the Annunciation, in which we celebrate the beginning of the life of the Word made Flesh, is the anniversary of the first...
Mother Mectilde and Adoration, Part VI: A Charism Exhaled in Love
Images: details of an anonymous 13th century Italian fresco of the Transitus of Saint Benedict. On the Feast of the Transitus of our holy father...
St. Joseph and the Benedictines of Perpetual Adoration
O Felicem Virum! “O Happy and Blessed Man,” so begins an antiphon in honor of St. Joseph. “To thee was granted not only to...
The Feast and Mother Mectilde’s Act of Reparation
Feast of Reparation Today in Mectildian Monasteries is the Great Feast of Reparation. Though not exclusive to the Benedictines of Perpetual Adoration – at one...
Mother Mectilde and Adoration, Part V: In the Crucible of Love
This is part V in our series of articles about how Mother Mectilde began the life of the Benedictines of the Perpetual Adoration....