The Prayer of the Faithful The Prayer of the Faithful for the Ordinary Form of the Mass poses a number of complex problems. The lack...
The Invitatory: Venite adoremus
Prepare Thy Soul One might say that, in the structure of monastic Vigils, Psalm 3 (see my previous entry) corresponds to the porch of the...
In the School of the Lord’s Service
Food for the Soul Over the past several weeks I have been reading two fascinating and inspiring biographies by Dom Guy-Marie Oury, O.S.B. The first...
Deus, in adjutorium meum intende
The Divine Office I am eager to address a number of questions that readers have raised about the Divine Office but, given that a good...
Invenisti gratiam apud Deum
Advent and the Annunciation Our Lady, the glorious Virgin of Isaiah’s prophecy (Is 7:14), is everywhere present in the liturgy of Advent, and this from...