Category: Liturgical Texts

Cleansing of the Mind

Here is today’s Collect in the Missale Romanum and in the Liturgia Horarum. In the 1962 Missale Romanum it is the Collect of the Second...

Those Noble Hymns

Those noble hymns, which had solaced anchorites on their mountains, monks in their cells, priests in bearing up against the burden and heat of the...

The Knotty Entanglements of Sin

The two Collects given us by the liturgy this week — the first in the Extraordinary Form, and the second in the Ordinary Form —...

Compassionate Saint Callistus I, Pope

One of the things I most love about the prayers of the Roman Rite is their compassionate realism. Today’s succinct Collect (in the traditional liturgical...

Mass of Saint Vincent de Paul, Priest

I am especially mindful today of all who devote themselves to the service of the poor in the Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Tulsa,...