Category: Liturgical Texts

In our time, grant us your peace

Rainbow Over Gaza This AP photo shows a rainbow over Gaza today, 18 January 2009. In the context of what is happening in the Mideast,...

Saint Aelred of Rievaulx

For study and meditation: proper texts for the Mass of Saint Aelred, Abbot. January 12 Saint Aelred, Abbot Entrance Antiphon MR The Lord is my...

Numquam sine aqua Christus

El Greco’s painting of the Baptism of the Lord has, at least to my eyes, a Chagall-like quality. Whereas one would expect a predominance of...

The Wondrous Name That Brings Salvation

The Feast That Came Back The feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, established by Pope Innocent XIII in 1721, disappeared (along with a...


The Prayer of the Faithful The Prayer of the Faithful for the Ordinary Form of the Mass poses a number of complex problems. The lack...