Te, Christe, solum quaerimus
For my friend, Monsignor A.B.C. Sometime in the early 1970s the Benedictine nuns of the Abbey Pax Cordis Iesu at Ryde, in the Isle of...
Sin’s Knotty Entanglements
On the Twenty-Third Sunday After Pentecost and the ferial days following it, we pray: Absolve, quaesumus Domine, tuorum delicta populorum: ut a peccatorum nexibus, quae...
Ut sanaret filium ejus
Passing On the Tradition One of the best things about being a very small monastic household is the freedom to make use of the opportunities...
Mass of the Holy Guardian Angels
Lauren Ford’s “Guardian Angel” depicts a little girl walking through the Connecticut woods that I so love, on what appears to be a late October...
Love of Truth and the Constant Thirst for God
Ember Wednesday in September There are so many things that I would want to write about! Yesterday, for example, was the first of the September...