Laetare, Jerusalem!
Like a Breath of Springtide “Be glad, Jerusalem! Hold an assembly, all you that love her: rejoice and be glad, you that were in sadness:...
Laetare: The Eucharistic Joy of the Church
Rejoice, O Jerusalem: and come together all you that love her: rejoice with joy, you that have been in sorrow: that you may exult, and...
The Desert of the Most Holy Sacrament
This painting of Christ in the wilderness is the work of Alessandro Bonvicino (1498–1554), know as the Moretto da Brescia. It is found in the...
The Prayer of the Son
Saint John’s is the divine and mystic Gospel: its every page shines with the brightness of the Face of Christ, revealing the glory of the...
Lazare, veni foras!
Friday of the Fourth Week of Lent John 11:1-45 The Divine and Mystic Gospel During these last days of Lent, the Church opens for us...