The Measure of Our Weakness
Sixth Friday of the Year I Mark 8:34-9:1 I just came from the altar, having celebrated the Votive Mass of the Most Precious Blood. This...
The Joy of All Our Days
A Feast in Europe In all of Europe today is the feast of Saints Cyril and Methodius, co–patrons of Europe with Saint Benedict, Saint Catherine...
Reading the Signs
Tuesday of the Sixth Week of the Year I Mark 8:14–21 Unintelligence My French Bible subtitles today’s passage from Saint Mark: “The Unintelligence of the...
Sin Crouching at the Door
Monday of the Sixth Week of the Year I Genesis 4:1–15, 25 Cain’s Fallen Countenance The Sacred Liturgy sends us today to Chapter 4 of...
Da nobis quaesumus
Friday of the Fifth Week of the Year I Mark 7:31–37 Mediators and Intercessors “And they brought to Him one deaf and dumb; and they...