To prove the world wrong
The Gift Above All Gifts Already today, the sacred liturgy begins to prepare our souls for the Gift above all gifts: the outpouring of the...
Spiritus Domini replevit orbem terrarum
Alleluia! The Spirit of the Lord has filled the whole world (Wis 1:7); every created thing trembles for joy, every waiting heart recognizes the sound...
Abandonment and the Grace of Pentecost
In this conference, Mother Mectilde instructs us on the feast and grace of Pentecost. I first translated this text in 2011. God’s Gift to Us...
A Sacerdotal Pentecost
From The Journal of A Priest A priest shares what was given him in prayer concerning a sacerdotal Pentecost, a revival of priestly holiness in...
Leo XIII on Devotion to the Holy Ghost
Invoke the Holy Ghost We ought to pray to and invoke the Holy Ghost, for each one of us greatly needs His protection and His...