Category: Christmastide

The Wondrous Name That Brings Salvation

The Feast That Came Back The feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, established by Pope Innocent XIII in 1721, disappeared (along with a...

Dulcis Iesu Memoria

In the Liturgy For the feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, I invite the readers of Vultus Christi to join me in meditating...

Et balsamo suavior

Still using Father Caswall’s translation, I am giving only a selection of the twenty-four verses that make up this section of the hymn. Father Caswall...

Iesu, Rex Admirabilis

I was fifteen or sixteen years old when, thanks to a fervent Trappist laybrother at Saint Joseph’s Abbey, I discovered a lovely English translation of...

2009 Belongs to Our Lady

For over thirty years now, my dear old friend Father Jacob, O.P. and I have renewed our consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of...