The Grace of the Holy Spirit Admits of No Delay
The corpus of Pope Benedict XVI’s teachings on the Blessed Virgin Mary grows apace. By means of his homilies and addresses on or around the...
Entrusting to Mary the Priests of the Whole World
Our Lady in the Life of the Priest Pope Benedict XVI has been using every opportunity to promote a fruitful observance of the Year of...
Returning to Knock
This coming Sunday evening Father Dan L. and I will be flying to Ireland and shortly thereafter we will be at the shrine of Our...
Pope Benedict XVI Closes Our Lady’s Month
Here is a translation of the address the Holy Father gave Saturday evening at the Lourdes Grotto in the Vatican Gardens at the annual Marian...
A Church Driven by the Breath of God
Homily of Pope Benedict XVI for the Solemnity of Pentecost 2009 Apart from being a magnificent example of mystagogical preaching, the Holy Father’s Pentecost homily...