Tota pulchra es, Maria
The Novena in Preparation for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary begins today and continues through December 7th. Tota pulchra...
Sin’s Knotty Entanglements
On the Twenty-Third Sunday After Pentecost and the ferial days following it, we pray: Absolve, quaesumus Domine, tuorum delicta populorum: ut a peccatorum nexibus, quae...
Saint Ephrem on the Mystic Names of Mary
It is not surprising that Our Blessed Lady, the Mother of God, has inspired countless litanies and akathists. The mystery of Mary, or what Saint...
Beginning with Mary
Novena to Our Lady of the Rosary and of the Cenacle September 29 to October 7, 2009 I invite the kind readers of Vultus Christi...
The Grace of the Holy Spirit Admits of No Delay
The corpus of Pope Benedict XVI’s teachings on the Blessed Virgin Mary grows apace. By means of his homilies and addresses on or around the...