Category: Blessed Virgin Mary

One must never fear to give Mary too much

I continue today my translation of Mother Mectilde’s text on true devotion to the Blessed Virgin.  She wrote this text sometime during her Benedictine noviciate...

One must begin with the Mother

Your Life is Hid with Christ in God (Colossians 3:3) The Annonciades, having been obliged to flee their monastery in Bruyères, found a compassionate welcome...

The Human Face of Divine Mercy

Look closely at this painting (1488) by Bartolomeo di Giovanni; it was commissioned for the Hospital of the Innocents in Florence. The six-sided altar at...

The School of Mary

On October 4, 2012, Pope Benedict XVI went on pilgrimage to the Holy House of Loreto in anticipation of the Year of Faith and in...