The Blessed Virgin Mary Compared to the Moon
September 5, O Luna Tota Pulchra ANT. O Luna tota pulchra et sine macula, semper gratia et gloria plena! Luna perfecta in æternum! Luna splendidissima...
Mary and the Light of the First Day
Light like a Nebula The creation of light on the first day, three days before the creation of the sun, exerts a certain fascination upon...
The Blessed Virgin, Holy in the Womb of St. Anne
September 3, O Ignis ANT. O Ignis effulgens et inextinguibilis! Ignis inflammans et illuminans! Ignis divinæ caritatis, qui in utero lates beatissimæ Annæ! Veni, appare...
The Presignation of Mary in the Old Law
September 1, O Radius ANT. O Radius divinæ claritatis, candor lucis æternæ, splendidior sole lumineque pulchrior, Virgo Maria! Noli tardare, cito veni, et illumina mentes...
O Antiphons for the Marian New Year
New Beginnings “Nunc coepi!” cries out St. Josemaria Escriva, ” now I begin!” “This,” he writes, “is the cry of a soul in love which, at...