Love and Confidence in the Heart of Mary
For today’s feast of the Most Pure Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, I offer this translation of a text of Mother Mectilde de Bar....
Sexagesima Sunday
Attend to the Antiphons If you would enter deeply into the liturgy of any given Sunday, attend closely to the antiphons. The Magnificat Antiphon at...
On Praying the Rosary for Unity
Holy Mary, Mother of Unity Pope Leo XIII requested that the Rosary be prayed specifically for the intention of reconciliation and reunion. Here is the...
Mary Is Not Half Enough Preached
Why do I prefer dear old Father Faber’s translation of Saint Louis Grignion de Montfort’s Treatise on True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary? A...
Like a fragrance filling the house
The Presence of Mary The days between Christmas and Epiphany are a continuous celebration: the festival of the Advent of God among us. There is,...