Category: Blessed Columba Marmion

A Master of Prayer

Learning How to Pray from Blessed Marmion Blessed Abbot Marmion’s prayers are, at once, biblical, profoundly theological, deeply personal, and altogether shaped by the language...

Sicut filii carissimi in dilectione

Letter of Dom Columba Marmion, Abbot of Maredsous, to Father Louis Peeters, S.J., Provincial of the Belgian Province of the Company of Jesus I took...

A priest can do so much for God

Dom Columba Marmion was 31 years old and a monk of Maredsous for three years when, in November 1889, he wrote the following to a...

Nowhere else, as in the liturgy

Blessed Columba Marmion’s doctrine concerning the liturgy is luminous and serene. His repetition of the phrase, “nowhere, as in the liturgy” affirms the teaching of...

The liturgy: foremost and indispensable

Blaming the Jesuits Father Blake of Brighton, with his customary candour, writes in a recent post: I blame the Jesuits and the Spirit of the...