Heroic confidence in the midst of impossibilities
June 17th was the dies natalis of Marie-Adèle Garnier, Mother Mary of St. Peter, Foundress of the Adorers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of...
In the School of the Host
Let all the hard and rugged paths by which we walk towards God be set before him. (Rule of Saint Benedict, Chapter LVIII. Of the...
Lest Thy Church suffer too great a darkness
Beloved Lord Jesus, I adore Thee, who art present here, with all the love of my heart. Sinner that I am, I would offer Thee...
Saint Juliana of Mont Cornillon
In celebration of the feast of Saint Juliana of Mont Cornillon, it is fitting to re–read Pope Benedict’s discourse (General Audience of Wednesday, 17th November...
Feast of the Holy Face of Jesus
Reparation The last century saw, here and there, like so many points of light in the Church, men and women drawn by the Holy Ghost...