The Holy Family Consecration of Silverstream Priory to Saint Joseph

Devotion to the Holy Family began with the modern conception of the family that seems to have begun to develop in the High Middle Ages (prior to that, a familia was a household that comprised all that lived within it). Pope Leo XIII permitted the feast of the Holy Family on the third Sunday after Epiphany, and in 1921 Pope Benedict XV extended this feast to the Universal Church, placing it on the Sunday within the Octave of the Epiphany. The Benedictines, however, did not adopt it and continued to celebrate the First Sunday after Epiphany on this day. Nevertheless, two years ago, on January 8th 2022, the Monastery of Our Lady of the Cenacle celebrated the Mass of the Holy Family, even if only for one year. It was for a very special reason.

The Priory already Consecrated to Jesus and Mary

Our monastery of Our Lady of the Cenacle here at Silverstream had already been consecrated twice. On 5 August, 2012, the Priory was consecrated to Jesus, King of Love. We are also consecrated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, a consecration renewed as our first act of the New Year each year.

To the Whole Holy Family

In 2023, it was our desire to complete this consecration by making a consecration to St Joseph. In this way, the monastery has been consecrated to all three members of the Holy Family.

Text of the Consecration

We include the text below that Father Prior said as the community gathered around the statue of St Joseph. All said Amen with a single voice.

Consecration of Silverstream Priory
to Saint Joseph

on the feast of the Holy Family 2023

O glorious Saint JOSEPH,
thou art our advocate and our defender,
our father and our friend,
who on the word of the angel speaking to thee in the night,
didst put fear aside to take MARY, thy Virgin Bride, into thy home,
and, even in poverty and in exile,
didst provide security for JESUS, the blessed Fruit of her womb.
Thou art the good provider
upon whose resources and generosity we rely.
O Support in difficulties,
Patron of the Afflicted, of the Exile, and of the Poor,
Terror of Demons, Protector of Holy Church,
to thee do we turn in this hour, and every hour, until the end of time,
to support, maintain and protect us in all our needs,
both temporal and spiritual.
O JOSEPH, first adorer of the Sacred Humanity of the Word,
thou art not indifferent to His designs upon Silverstream Priory,
and upon those sons of Saint Benedict who, by His grace alone,
must struggle to make it a school of the Lord’s service,
a sanctuary of adoration for all,
and a haven of peace for priests.
Humble and powerful Saint JOSEPH,
who didst appear at Knock,
together with the Mother of God,
with Saint John the Beloved Disciple,
and with the Lamb of Sacrifice,
thy mission in Ireland is far from ended.

Therefore, on this day, we solemnly consecrate to thee Silverstream Priory,
and all the members of our community both now and in time to come.

We choose thee, once again, after MARY, Our Heavenly Abbess,
to be our chief advocate and protector.

Provide for us, protect us, maintain us for years to come,
in security and in peace,
in the beauty of holiness,
and in perpetual adoration
of the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.
We promise and resolve, from this day forward,
to look to thee as to our own father,
to love thee, honour thee, and obey thee with filial devotion,
and to leave to thy paternal solicitude
all our needs, our anxieties, and our cares.
We are confident that thou wilt be to us a father,
and the best of fathers,
and that, under thy protection and in thy care,
we shall want for nothing.
So shall we publish abroad
the wonders obtained through thy intercession
to the glory of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.