S. Ioannis Didaci Cuahtlatoatzin

Martha Orozco SJuanD.jpg
Yes, that would be the much loved Saint Juan Diego of Guadalupe as he is designated in the new Solesmes Antiphonale Monasticum for December 9th. Here is the official Collect for his feast with my English translation:

Deus, qui per beatum Ioannem Didacum,
sanctissimae Virginis Mariae dilectionem
erga populum tuum ostendisti:
eius nobis intercessione concede,
ut, Matris nostrae monitis Guadalupae datis obsequentes,
voluntatem tuam iugiter adimplere valeamus.

O God, Who, through Saint Juan Diego,
didst show forth the special love of the Most Holy Virgin Mary
toward Thy people,
grant us, at his intercession,
so to obey the admonitions given by our Mother of Guadalupe,
that we may ever be able to carry out Thy will.

The painting of Saint Juan Diego is by Mexican artist Martha Orozco.

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