Only God Can Thank God for God Worthily
Thanksgiving originates in the heart of the Son who, from all eternity is begotten of the Father and who, receiving Himself from the Father, in that same eternal instant offers Himself back to the Father in thanksgiving. “Father, I thank Thee that I am wondrously begotten of Thee and, in thanksgiving, do I offer myself back to Thee”. Only God can thank God for God worthily.
The priesthood of the Eternal Word, a priesthood exercised “from the womb before the day star” (Psalm 109:3), is a priesthood of thanksgiving, and the sacrifice offered in that eternal love with which the Father loved the Son “before the creation of the world” (John 17:24) is a sacrifice of thanksgiving. Through the sacred liturgy, the whole Church is drawn into the priestly thanksgiving of the Word to the Father “from the beginning”, the same thanksgiving that was manifested sacramentally at the Last Supper in the Cenacle, and, then, in a bloody manner from the altar of the Cross on Calvary.