A priest can do so much for God
25 June 2014
Dom Columba Marmion was 31 years old and a monk of Maredsous for three years when, in November 1889, he wrote the following to a newly–ordained Irish priest, one of his former pupils at Clonliffe.
A priest can do so much for God if, in offering the Holy Sacrifice, he unites the oblation of himself, his life, his love, all he has, with that of the Divine Victim. He can obtain priceless graces for all mankind, can stay the anger of God, and gain powerful aid for the Church, not to speak of the great merit he gains for himself. Let us try to be faithful and loving towards Our dear Lord. It is in the heart of the priest He expects to repose, when He is outraged by sinners; and also, He so often finds even there but coldness and ingratitude.