Adore te devote, latens Deitas
O hidden God,
I adore Thee.
O silent God,
I adore Thee.
O utterly humble God,
I adore Thee.
O ineffably obedient God,
I adore Thee.
O God, faithful and constant,
I adore Thee.
O piteously vulnerable God,
I adore Thee.
O God delivered into the hands of sinful men,
I adore Thee.
O God held lightly in the hands of Thy priests,
I adore Thee.
O God most fragile in appearance,
I adore Thee.
O God, offering Thyself to be broken and consumed,
I adore Thee.
O God, ready to descend into the souls and bodies of poor sinners,
I adore Thee.
O God, ignored by the multitudes,
I adore Thee.
O God, whose real presence heretics deny,
I adore Thee.
O God, grieved by the coldness, indifference, and irreverence
of too many of Thy priests,
I adore Thee.
O God, denied to little children who would long to receive Thee,
I adore Thee.
O God, excluded from the rooms of the dying,
I adore Thee.
O God, waiting to be carried to those who dwell in darkness and in the shadow of death,
I adore Thee.
O God, surrounded by routine and unbelief,
I adore Thee.
O God, waiting for the company of Thy priests,
I adore Thee.
O God, forsaken in Thy tabernacles,
I adore Thee.
O God, ignored in Thy churches,
I adore Thee.
O God, unacknowledged in Thy sanctuaries,
I adore Thee.
O God, forever adored by the Angelic Choirs,
I adore Thee.
O God, who art Love, and all Love, and forever Love,
I adore Thee.
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Thank you, Father Mark!
(Thank you Lord for Father Mark who leads me/us to You)
Godhead, I adore thee fast in hiding; thou
God in these bare shapes, poor shadows, darkling now:
See, Lord, at thy service low lies here a heart
Lost, all lost in wonder at the God thou art.
(GM Hopkins’ version, or one of them, my favorite)
Thank you for this, Agnieszka. May I echo your thanks!
It is a Sorrowful Friday, 2:00 pm. I have been absent from your grace since my last post; before my return to Vultus Christi, my heart cried out upon hearing the news of the latest mass shooting in CT, “The World needs…ADORATION.”
Beautiful! Thank you… I wanted a prayer to console Our Lord after the horrible shootings here, so I will pray this. Please pray for all those affected by the tragedy in the U.S. It is always Jesus who suffers and in the most innocent members of His Mystical Body.