To Be Led By the Hand of God
“Whatever did not fit in with my plan
did lie within the plan of God.
I have an ever deeper and firmer belief
that nothing is merely an accident
when seen in the light of God,
that my whole life down to the smallest details
has been marked out for me
in the plan of Divine Providence
and has a completely coherent meaning
in God’s all seeing eyes.
To be a child of God,
that means to be led by the Hand of God,
to do the Will of God, not one’s own will,
to place every care and every Hope in the Hand of God
and not to worry about one’s future.
On this rests the freedom and the joy of the child of God.
But how few of even the truly pious,
even of those ready for heroic sacrifices, possess this freedom.
When night comes, and you look back over the day
and see how fragmentary everything has been,
and how much you planned that has gone undone,
and all the reasons you have to be embarrassed and ashamed:
just take everything exactly as it is,
put it in God’s hands and leave it with Him.
Then you will be able to rest in Him –really rest —
and start the next day as a new life.”
Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, O.C.D.
October 12, 1891 — August 9, 1942
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Thank you, Dom Mark, for these three beautiful quotes from St. Teresa Benedicta. I’m not familiar with the second and third ones. Could you please let us know from which of her writings they came? The third one is particularly poignant given the very dark night that came to St. Teresa Benedicta because of her Jewish heritage. How much we have to learn from her witness and example! And from those many others like her who also suffered, endured and triumphed as true children of God. Thank you kindly.
Rejoicing in the Father’s love for us,
Alice Claire Mansfield,
Consecrated Virgin
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, USA