28 August: Saint Augustine

augustinus_086.jpgHere are some lovely texts for the feast of Saint Augustine.

At First Vespers

Holy Father Saint Augustine,
Hearken to thy children’s cry;
Plea for us as now thou standest
Near the throne of God on high:
Guide thy flock, O loving Shepherd,
Who to us in Christ art nigh.

Holy poverty’s true lover,
All Christ’s poor ones hymn thy praise,
Truth’s own champion and defender,
Loved by all who seek her ways;
Scripture’s God-enlightened teacher,
All her wealth thy pen displays.

Lighting depths obscure and hidden,
Thou dost break us heavenly bread
From the doctrine of our Saviour,
From the gracious words He said;
With the Psalms life-giving nectar
All who learn of thee are fed.

For the white-robed canon’s choir
Laws of wisdom thou didst frame:
Those who love thy words and keep them,
Thy sure patronage may claim;
Safe, they tread the ways of Sion,
Calling on thy worthy name.

Glory to the King of Ages;
Praise and triumph to his reign;
Joining with the choir of Angels,
Let us sound our answering strain;
E’en now, ‘neath our Patron’s banner,
Citizens of heaven’s domain. Amen.

V. Blessed is the man that Thou chastenest, O Lord.
R. And teachest in Thy law.

Antiphon: On this day the holy prelate Augustine was set free from the bonds of the flesh and received amongst the Angels; and there for ever he doth rejoice with the Apostles and Prophets; full of whose spirit he was able to expound upon earth the heavenly mysteries which they had set forth; and following in whose steps he shone pre-eminent as a dispenser of the Word of God.

Let us pray.
O God, who openedst the eyes of blessed Augustine to the deep mysteries of Thy wisdom, and in his heart didst set alight the fire of divine charity: give us grace at his intercession that seeing clearly in Thy light, and burning with godly love, we may run in the way of Thy commandments. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who with Thee liveth and reigneth in the unity of the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end.

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