What seek you?
Men Called to a Hidden Life
Our Lord continues to call souls to a hidden life of adoration and reparation. Jesus desires to have, close to His tabernacles on earth, men who will imitate His own hidden sacramental life in the adorable Mystery of His Real Presence. He is calling these men from a variety of backgrounds, saying to each one, “Come and see” (John 1:39).
The Hidden Dynamism of the Most Blessed Sacrament
The work of such men, their role in the Mystical Body of Christ, is, and will always be to seek the Eucharistic Face of Jesus, and to allow Him to reproduce the traits of that Face in their souls. Without leaving the enclosure of their monastery, without much speaking, and without appearing to do anything of value in the eyes of the world, such men enter into the hidden dynamism of the Most Blessed Sacrament.
The Little Way
A man called to this life will beseech the Our Lord to unite him inwardly to His Eucharistic humility, to His silence, His hiddenness, and His ceaseless prayer to the Father. A man called to this life will ask Our Lord to unite him to the uninterrupted oblation that, in the Sacrament of His Love, He makes of Himself to the Father. And then, he will go about the ordinary and often monotonous routine of monastic life, content to apply himself to the practice of obedience and to the service of the brethren in love. He will talk sparingly, smile readily, forgive promptly, love chastity, and, at the sound of the bell, move on to the next thing in the order of the day and embrace it manfully as the concrete expression of God’s will for him. It’s simple. It’s the little way.
Transformed Into the Same Image
There is no moment in which Our Lord is not offering Himself, no moment in which the immolation of the Cross is not being re-presented to the Father from the silence of His tabernacles all over the earth. A man united to the mystery of Our Lord’s Eucharistic life will find himself, even when he is not singing in choir, or kneeling before the tabernacle, in a state of perpetual adoration in spirit and in truth. In such men the Father takes delight because on their faces He recognizes the Face of His Son and in their voices His own Son’s voice. And all of this is the work of the Holy Ghost, according to the word of Saint Paul: “But we all beholding the glory of the Lord with open face, are transformed into the same image from glory to glory, as by the Spirit of the Lord” (2 Corinthians 3:18).