Precemur Omnes Cernui

Lauds I
Come, weep before the Judge, and seek
With broken hearts his grace to win;
Be bold, and trusting meet his gaze,
And trembling claim the hope within.
Much have we sinned, O Lord! and still
we fall again and seek to rise;
Look down in pity from on high;
Be dawning light to searching eyes.
Remember that we yet are yours
Though fashioned of a fragile frame;
And take not from our gasping souls
The Breath by which we praise your Name.
Undo past evil; heal the wounds,
And guide our steps in faith’s dark night;
So may we now and ever find
Joy pure and boundless in your sight.
Blest Trinity in Unity!
Uphold our weakness in your love,
That we to death may die with Christ
and rise with Christ to life above. Amen.

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