Et misericordia eius a progenie in progenies
It is quite remarkable that the 30th anniversary of the death of Marthe Robin should occur one week after the 60th anniversary of the death of Mère Yvonne-Aimée de Jésus. Both women were French; both bore the sacred wounds of Christ in their flesh. Both engendered a numerous spiritual progeny. Are there not in every generation souls marked with the wounds of Christ, who complete His saving Passion in their flesh?
Souls Set Ablaze
It is true that France, la fille aînée de l’Église, has, for centuries, been blessed with generation after generation of souls set ablaze by the fire that ever burns in the Heart of Jesus. I am thinking too of Père Antoine Crozier, born on 8 February 1850, a saintly priest of Lyons, who also bore the wounds of Our Lord. But France is not alone. Italy has had her share of heroic victim souls, some of whom are known, such as Natuzza Evolo, while the vast majority of them remain hidden. Our Lord grants such charisms, it would seem, in those places and cultures where they can be recognized and “decoded,” as it were, so as to reveal the mystery of Crucified Love.
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Dear Father,
Coincidence… Providence.
Only one year separated the births of Mere Yvonne Aimee and Marthe : 1901, 1902. Mother died rather young, whereas Marthe, at a ripe old age. And so, over 20 years separated their deaths. Today, we can tangibly see the very real “fruit” of their lives of prayer and suffering here in France, where I have lived since 1986. I only began to really discover the “paysage” of the Church here in the past 10 years. Every single time I encountered a New Community, of which there are many here, I systematically heard or read about the same thing concerning the founder : Each and every one of them at some point consulted Marthe …. seeking her advice, her prayers, her blessing, which were all made from a very small, very dark little bedroom in the middle of the French countryside, far from the distractions of the world and the business of the Church.
Today, we speak of the “fertile bed” (echoes of st Bonaventura’s « Mirror of Mary ») that was her intimate place of suffering with Jesus, week after week, year after year, as she gave herself up to unite with the Lord in His Passion. Her spiritual “maternity” was astounding ! These communities would never (perhaps) been born if Marthe had not given her Ecce-Fiat-Magnificat to suffer in love with Jesus. She truly lived the mystery of Eucharistic Love, and it is for us now to taste the sweetness of the Grace, the fruits, here in France: Les Beatitudes, L’ Emmanuel, Freres de Saint Jean, Foyers de Charité, Famille Missionnaire Notre Dame, Notre Dame de Vie, Marie Mère du Redempteur….and there are no doubt even others.
France is alive with Communities ! Gloire à Dieu! Thanks to the mysterious gift of love that Marthe offered, that Mother Yvonne Aimee and many other less-known suffering souls,offered at a precise time in History, so that New Life would come to the Eldest Daughter of the Church , having been decimated after the Revolution. What Perfect Providence…”decoded” by the perspective of hindsight.
I give thanks to God that He places such a deep desire to love in the depths of certain hearts, united with the willingness to suffer all forms of physical and mental anguish (your article on Saint Romuald, for example) , and direct Spiritual Combat,for the Good of the Kingdom.
When I look around at the Church today, I wonder : where are they now, these souls of Eucharistic Love ? Who are they ? Are they: Priests ? Monks? Nuns? Housewives? Nurses ? Miners ? Factory workers ? What does their face look like ? What is their name ? Where do they live ? I am certain they are there, secretly and silently offering themselves on the Altar of Holy and Divine Love for the future Church, the Remnant Church, the Spotless Bride. They have been called and they know and understand their mission. Have they received the blessing of the Church ? I wonder. Today It seems to me we do not speak often of such suffering souls….not like we used to. We have grown allergic to speaking about suffering ! So IF we are doing our best not to even think about these souls, THEN… are we even asking the Lord for them ? Surely, He is calling many souls today, right now, to fully « incorporate » this very same and very great mystery that is His Pierced Heart, overflowing in Love for souls. And surely He is allowing this Love to be “incarnated” in real people, right this minute. But are we actually encouraging this great and heroic mystery in the Church ? I am not at all certain….
Father, may we join our prayers in the Communion of Saints in Thanksgiving for the Vocation of Suffering in Love for the Heart of Jesus and for His Bride? And ask Him to raise up as many of these victim souls as He needs, so that they may “stand in the gap” tirelessly in our own days ? May we pray together for their Fortitude, acceptance and Perseverance in this vocation ? Surely it is our priests who suffer the most right now, in the fullness of the Knowledge of the Bride. The very fact of the creation of your Community is proof of and witness to that Knowledge and that Call. Merci….
Deo Gratias !
Loupee, that is an excellent post! There are millions upon millions who suffer without any recognition. That’s how it should be. God gives suffering whether we like it or not. Thanks!
Thank you so much, Fr. Kirby! These entries on this blog the past two days were wonderful, informative and inspiring. May the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary save us from ourselves, the world and the temptations of the evil one. !
Fr. Mark–I have had an urgent sense to pray the Rosary, was up at 3 making the chaplet of Mercy, praying for peace. Will try to go to Mass and holy hour if I can this Fri, and pray for these intentions. God have Mercy on us and all those who are suffering and so lost, in the Middle East.