Cardinal Says Eucharistic Adoration Urgent
Thanks to Monsignor Michael Palud for calling my attention to this. For Cardinal Canizares’ complete French text go here. I wish I had time today to translate all of it but, for now, this will have to do:
Nous devons renouer avec l’esprit de la liturgie et c’est pourquoi les gestes introduits dans la liturgie du Pape sont significatifs : l’orientation de l’action liturgique, la croix au centre de l’autel, la communion à genoux, le chant grégorien, la place pour le silence, la beauté dans l’art sacré. Il est également urgent de promouvoir l’adoration eucharistique : face à la présence réelle du Seigneur, nous ne pouvons qu’adorer.
We must reconnect with the spirit of the liturgy and that is why the gestures introduced into the liturgy of the Pope are significant: the orientation of the liturgical action, the cross at the centre of the altar, Communion received kneeling, Gregorian Chant, a place given to silence, beauty in sacred heart. It is equally urgent to promote Eucharistic adoration: faced with the real presence of the Lord, we cannot but adore.
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Merci, Père Marc. Il me semble que cela devrait être évident pour tout le monde. Je n’arrive pas à comprendre que pour certaines personnes toute tentative de revenir à ce qui est sacré est vu et vécu comme un ‘retour en arrière’, on ferait mieux de lançer le cri: RETOUR AUX SOURCES !
Je me familiarise peu à peu avec le Missel de 1962…l’année de ma naissance. Comment préserver un héritage si on ne le connait pas ? Il me semble que c’est un devoir de chaque prêtre d’apprendre à célébrer dans la Forme extraordinaire du Rite Romain. Certes, un problème se pose: je connais bien des prêtres qui ne connaissent pas assez de latin pour pouvoir célébrer dans le usus antiquior. Une bonne traduction, comme il a été suggéré pourrait toujours être une ‘via media’. Car, il faut le dire, les prières du Usus antiquior sont très belles… On n’a qu’à penser au Aufer ou encore au ‘Suscipe Sancta Trinitas’… Fraternellement in Christo, Michel
Hello Father Mark !
It is my first time to write , since I have only recently discovered your wonderful blog ! There is such a wealth here….as a sign of the great treasure that is our amazing Catholic Church ! I thank you profoundly for your efforts in promoting this “new evangelisation” via your blog !!
After reading the above entry from Mgr Michel, my reaction was to say this : but YES ! Divine Providence has “already taken care of this” effort of translation of the beautiful prayers found in the Rite Extraordinaire, to a certain extent. It is none other than the Providential provision that is to be found in the Anglican Use, the Provision first granted in America and now widened to the whole world through the newly created “Walsingham” Ordinariate ! Deo Gratias for what I have come to believe is exactly that : a “via media” . Indeed, what I find so amazing in this “use” is that it is precisely the desired “balance” of old and new, displaying great liturgical beauty and reverence , yet taking place in the local “vernacular”. IF you want to take a look at some of the prayers, one can visit the site of Our Lady of Walsingham in Houston, Texas, and download from there the pdf file . It is perhaps not complete, but gives one a good idea of the strong sense of the sacred that is truly present in the Anglican use. The Mass is celebrated ad orientem as well, with vestments and musical care taken that are truly worthy of the Wedding Feast of the Lamb, just as it should be…. I think Monsignor Michel would be pleased…
Father, I also wanted to let you know that I am here to translate anything you should need (in either direction between English and French), in order for you to spend more time doing the important things you are called to. I am an American living near Solesmes Abbey in France, where I have the honor to go every week. Please feel free to contact the brothers there if needed, and to email me any time you want something translated. I have sent a copy of your entry concerning the “40 Hours” to a brother, and I pray that we will soon have the honor of adoring His Majesty once again, just as was done in Action de Grace during the Millenarium celebrations at Solesmes this year. I pray now that père abbé Dupont will grant his blessing to such an endeavor. The “times” are indeed exceptional, and we require extraordinary grace in order to give God Glory and to implore His Mercy at the Hour of Justice.
Que Dieu vous bénisse , mon Père, et que la Très Sainte Vierge Marie, Sedes Sapientiae et Mater Ecclesiae, vous comble de toutes grâces….
in Christo,