Sitit sitiri: He thirsts that we should thirst for Him

Progress Report
Our little community life, marked by the rhythm of the Hours, by Eucharistic adoration, work, and welcoming guests, is already that of the age-old observance of the Rule of Saint Benedict. It doesn’t take much to live according to the Holy Rule: an all-consuming thirst for God, zeal for the Divine Office, readiness to embrace humiliations and obedience, and charity. “And over all these put on charity” (Col 3:14).
The Work of God
I am full of thanksgiving when I see the zeal of my young brothers for this vocation, and especially for their loving solicitude for priests. To hear them speak of their desire to “adore for priests who never linger before the Eucharistic Face of Jesus,” and to offer themselves for the sanctification of priests, especially for the most wounded and broken among them, is, for me, an immense joy. To see them take their place before the Most Blessed Sacrament is an even greater joy. It is all God’s Work: “The Work of God.” Why would one want to put anything before the “Work of God,” for “He does all things well” (Mk 7:37)?
This morning at Matins: a wonderful text of Saint Gregory Nazianzen. The translation is my own.
O Excessively Speedy Kindness

All you who thirst, come to the water — thus does Isaias exhort you — and you who have no money, come, buy your wine and drink it, without paying a cent. O excessively speedy kindness! O easy purchase! You can buy using nothing more than your will. God even holds your heart’s desire in place of the enormous cost. He thirsts that we should thirst for Him. He makes Himself the beverage of those who wish to drink. He considers it a good thing that we should ask good things of Him. His munificence and liberality are well within your reach. He is gladder to give than are others to receive.

Let us take care lest we be condemned for the smallness of our cramped souls in asking only for things that are small and not at all worthy of the Divine munificence. Blessed the one of whom Christ asks a drink a water, like that well-known Samaritan; for He will give such a one a wellspring of water soaring up for eternal life.


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