In the Company of the Blessed Virgin
28 April 2009
The 2002 editio typica of the Missale Romanum contains the following Collect for the memorial of Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort, Priest. The Collect is an admirable synthesis of the charism of Saint Louis-Marie. Every line of the text alludes to an element characteristic of his spirituality. The English translation is my own.
O God, who willed to guide the steps
of your priest, saint Louis-Marie,
into the way of salvation and of delight in Christ
in the company of the Blessed Virgin,
grant that we, by following his example,
may meditate the mysteries of your love
and devote ourselves tirelessly to the upbuilding of your Church.
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Dear Fr.Mark,
Pax Christi,
Im a student from India,have been avidly following your blog for the past month,am glad youre back from your trip to france.
Have a request to make of you,will be glad if you can post the mass texts for Our Lady of Lourdes(Feb 11),Queenship of the BVM(22nd August) and the Immaculate heart of mary.
many thnaks in advance
Yours in Christ
R.Sandeep Joseph.