Opportet autem Illum regnare

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My new life here in Tulsa began one month ago on the feast of Our Lady of Knock, Thursday, August 21st. My days are full — from Matins until Compline — and they pass quickly. There is much that I would want to share with the readers of Vultus Christi. Today, while reading one of my favourite spiritual authors, Dom Eugène Vandeur, O.S.B., I came upon his meditation on the words of the Pater, “Thy Kingdom come.” Here is part of it:
Thy Kingdom come!
Come, Lord Jesus, King of kings and Lord of lords (Ap 19, 16);
make Thy solemn entrance today into my heart:
reign Thou in my innermost being.
Is not that Thy true kingdom (Lk 17, 21)?
And then act upon all my forces,
the forces of my soul, of my mind, of my heart,
upon the energies of my body;
reign Thou absolutely;
I give over to Thee straightway all the powers and possessions of my being;
do Thou but reign over me and all that belongs to me.
Yet what have I, Lord, but my nothingness, my weakness,
the sad results of my sins?
Nevertheless, reign even over all that,
in order that I may pass into Thee,
in order that Thou, once more, with great desire,
mayest eat Thy Pasch with me (Lk 22, 15).
Then shall I pass and enter into sincere, lasting, and sweet communion with Thee
in Thy functions as Priest, Victim, and Altar of Thy Sacrifice.
then wilt Thou take possession of my being;
Thou wilt offer it in truth, in untold plenitude to my Father Who is in heaven.
Yes, my soul will be filled with Thee, Lord Jesus.
Made the city of Thy reign,
it will have from that time forth but one passion,
a passion essential to Thy saints:
namely, to extend the reign of my Heavenly Father,
this reign which is Thy very Self, O my Christ!
I shall burn with the desire to make Thee known and loved;
to lead all souls, sinners especially, to Thy sacred feet,
that there they may be bound fast with faith and love
and, casting themselves into Thine arms,
may still their longing, even as I,
at the wound of love where Thou refreshest all who thirst
for the Life eternal which Thou art.
O Father, may Thy kingdom come!
May the reign of Jesus Christ begin!
For He must reign.
Opportet autem Illum regnare (1 Cor 15,5).

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