The Indignities Committed Against Thee
This morning I offered the Votive Mass for the Remission of Sins in reparation for the grievous outrages committed against the Most Blessed Sacrament. It is not enough to express shock at the media’s reports of acts of desecration; the initial salutary shock must give way to heartfelt sorrow, to love, and to acts of adoration and reparation.
The charism of reparation to Our Divine Lord in the Sacrament of His Love is once again being poured out in great abundance, first of all upon priests and, then, through priests, upon all Christ’s faithful.
O LORD JESUS CHRIST, who for our salvation didst endure the outrages of those who crucified thee, and now endurest the irreverence of those who discern thee not: Rather than withhold thy Sacred Presence from our Altars, give us grace to bewail the indignities committed against thee; and to repair, as far as lies in our power, and with devout love, the many dishonours thou still continuest to receive in this Adorable Mystery; Who livest and reignest, world without end. Amen.
O MY LORD AND MY GOD, MY GOD AND MY ALL, who hast willed to abide with us always in this Wonderful Sacrament, thus ever-glorifying thy Father by making present thy Passion in perpetual Memorial, and giving unto us thy very Self, the Food of Life: Grant us grace to grieve with a hearty sorrow for the insults offered thy Holy Mystery, and with sincere love to offer reparation for the many abuses and sacrileges thou still continuest to receive in thy Blessed Sacrament, who livest and reignest with the Father, in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.